Adrian's Tomcat 100"

Standard 2 Door Range Rover

I could keep it as a standard 2 door Range Rover. I could just patch it up (cheaper but would take a while) ...

Standard 2 door Range Rover Side Front and side Rear and side
Standard two door Range Rover Side Rear and side Side
Standard 2 dr Range Rover Side Rear and side Front and side

... or rebuild it to concours condition (not cheap and would take a lot of time and effort).

Front and side Side Side Side
Front and side Side Side Side
Front and side Side Side Side

If I was to rebuild my Range Rover to as good as new (or better), I could get some ideas, tips and techniques from the team restoring the first Range Rover off the production line.

Engine Front and side Rear and side Rear

I could custom paint my two door Range Rover as a reptile such as a crocodile. The paint scheme below was inspired by a book owned by the driver's daughter and was applied by the driver. Very impressive including the spot lights as eyes. I would however have to ensure I didn't damage any body panels requiring them to be replaced.

Custom painted Range Rover Front and side Rear and side Rear

A 'standard', unmodified two door Range Rover can perform well off road.

Front Front and side Side Rear and side
Front Front and side Stuck Rear

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